Times & Directions

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Sunday Morning                                                                   Sunday Evening
RidgeKids – 9:45am – 12:15pm                                             Covered Dish Supper – 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall
Bible Study Groups – 9:45am                                                Bible Study – 6:30 p.m. after supper

Morning Worship  – 10:45am
– Main Worship Center (Blended Worship Style)

Wednesday Evening (all events begin at 6:30pm)
Prayer Meeting – in the Old Fellowship Hall  (lower, rear level of the red brick bldg.)
the Well (Youth Worship) – In the Student Center Auditorium  (upper level in the red brick bldg.)
Worship Music Rehearsal – in the Worship Center Auditorium  (upper level in the tan bldg.)
Team Kids and ReMix – in the RidgeKids area (lower level of the tan bldg.)